I understand now why this piece of machinery is called a sky-lift. It lived up to its name today lifting the heavy trusses onto the top of the roof. There were seventeen trusses in all. The framing crew set two at a time onto the lift, and then up it went with great ease. The men
quickly climbed to the top of the roof to wait on the sky-lift to delivere the trusses. The sky-lift operator carefully set them onto the roof. Then they pulled the trusses off the front forks of the machine one at a time. The trusses are presently lying flat on top of the roof waiting to be set up at another time. These trusses weight almost 300 pounds a piece. That was really something to watch today.
1 comment:
A pitched roof. I know you will enjoy that! No more tar to smell; no more gravel hauled to the roof. When it rains, it will roll right off = into gutters then into the ground below. What a concept. : )
love kas
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