The men framed the chimney in the morning and then after lunch they worked on the house dormers. Dispite the rain the framers are faithful to show up on the job and continue their work. We appreciate their faithfulness.
We met with Scherz Landscape Co. this after noon. They had a wonderful landscape drawing to show us. The sketch included a retaining wall at the front of the house and many native plants filling in the space. It was exactly what we had visioned for the front.
Tomorrow we are taking the day off and heading to San Antonio for some fun.
Wow! The house sure is coming along! We haven't checked in a while and were surprised to see the progress. It looks beautiful. Love, Jill
Thank you Jill for your encouraging post. Good to hear from you.
Plan a trip to come join us on the balcony for tea when the house is compelte.
Love to all,
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