Last night we had a big thunderstorm roll in at supper time. The wind got up to about 60 mph and the storm dropped marble size hail for about
thirty minutes. Then it rained for about
thirty minutes after the hail ended. We can see the house through binoculars from where we are staying if we drive a mile down the road. Paul drove down the road when the rain stopped. He had just enough day light left to see the second story framing still standing. All was still intact.
The framers continue to move around the perimeter of the second story today. They are framing the inner-walls as they add to the framing of the perimeter. This is different than they did on the first floor. Just an observation.
Paul and our builder Steve Gaines, sat down together this afternoon to reconcile some invoices from the lumber company. We do have a budget and have to stay on top of our spending. Steve is a good book keeper.

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