When we arrived early this morning the men were on the job and waiting on the cement trucks. There were a total of six cement trucks today. The job progressed today from the garage to the front porch and the back porch was last. There was just as much work to do today as yesterday. These men work hard and rarely take a break unless a cement truck is a little slow to arrive. They work straight through until they are finished, without a lunch break. I couldn't do this hard job and really pat those on the back that can.
The builder told us he will let the foundation set for two weeks now before moving forward with the framing.
1 Corinthians 3:10a
Because of God’s grace to me, I have laid the foundation like an expert builder. Now others are building on it. The house you all are building is indeed a metaphor to your lives. Enjoy the view of your new home. love kathryn
Thank you my sweet friend for reminding me of the truth of God's wonderful Word. Love, Anna
By Golly, I think I could build a house just looking at your pictures.
Could you add more explicate instructions?
Thank you for the nice compliment. We are building in the small town of Christoval south of San Angelo Texas.
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