We decided to make the second bedroom our home office. Placing all our desks in one room will keep the other bedrooms neat. Elizabeth's desks looks very orgainized while ours is still a work in progress.

Monday, January 28, 2008
Setting Up
Sunday, January 27, 2008
I took this photo of the last box of kitchen items to be emptied, a mile stone for me. I was so glad to finally reach this box. Elizabeth was a huge help unpacking boxes while I organized drawers and shelves over and over again until I got them just right.
Before we moved in Steve had covered all the wood floors in rolls of corrugated paper. We have started to remove the paper little by little in each room, dust and mop the floors then set furniture in place. The room which looks the best is Elizabeth's bedroom, she has it fixed up really nice. She removed the paper off her floor the first day which looks neat and clean.
The office presently looks like a tornado went through this room. Our project for tomorrow is organizing this space. 
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Days After
We ordered a desk from Haverty's for Paul's study I picked it up Tuesday afternoon. When I arrived back to the house we could not unload it ourselves, it was too heavy! We were told it was in three pieces in the large box and it was not it was completely put together in one large box. We called the furniture company for help, they sent their delivery men to our rescue who were near by. If they had not stopped in to give us a hand the desk would still be on the pickup in the driveway.
We enjoyed our first meal together, sandwiches on fresh baked bread Rita made, deeelicious! We slept real well Tuesday night from sheer exhaustion. A wonderful peaceful sleep in our home.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Moving Day
Moving day was exciting for everyone the big delivery truck arrived about noon. The moving men did a good job and did not damage one thing. They had quite a time trying to get the washer up stairs on their dolly. The finally decided to just carry it up the stairs.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Big Day Tomorrow
The garage door was installed last Friday and I just remembered to take a picture of it today. The mechanism which operates the door is called an I-Drive. The I-Drive is located above the center of the door, it is the little white box in the photo. Notice there is no chain drive in the ceiling. The mechanism is very quiet and operates smoothly.
I will post the blog again as soon as I can catch my breath!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Glass Mirrors and Doors
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Baluster and Stain
The mirrors and glass are scheduled to be installed tomorrow. Not much more now!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Clean Windows
Since my last post on the blog the painters have completed painting all the windows and stained the redwood on the screened porch. The redwood looks very warm and inviting after the finish was applied.
The electrician comes and goes when in our area installing light fixtures. He installed the ceiling fans on the balcony porch after the last piece of railing was installed. The doors arrived for the wood burning stove and the installer came out to set them in place last Friday they looked nice, but were the wrong color. The new ones should be here next week. We ordered doors with a gold finish not a black finish.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Night Lights
Too dark for pictures. We went over to the house at 7 o'clock tonight, turned on all the lights inside and out. Wow, was it pretty. The house looked like a party was going on inside.
Paul, Elizabeth and I decided to drive up the highway about a mile then we turned around and drove back down the highway to see if we could see the lights in the house from the highway, and yes, we could see the lights. We could see the lights on the second story balcony, but not the first story. From the highway, lit at night, it looks like a one story house through the trees.
Paul you had a super good idea. That was fun.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Reaching the Corners
The painters worked on all the outside trim and soffits then they started brushing the paint on the front porch columns. I like the paint a whole bunch but I will have to get used to the columns with paint on them after seeing them in their natural state for so long. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Steve was busy laying the rolls of corrugated paper on the stairs today. With so many workmen going in and out he is doing all he can to protect the surface from scratches. I have learned tennis shoes pick up little rocks which can scratch the surface. The best shoes are those with a solid sole. Good excuse for me to buy a new pair of shoes!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Saturday, January 5, 2008
We chose Kitchen Aid products for our dishwasher and stove. The stove is a dual fuel model, gas burners and electric oven. It also has convection oven features. We will use our present refrigerator which is in storage. Rita provided the new freezer a much needed item in our new home. Thank you again for the huge gift.
Friday, January 4, 2008
Let There Be Light
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